Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Funerals aren't always sad

Well, we've arrived at our new appointment and are beginning to get acclimated. We still have lots of boxes, but unpacking and setting up a new household is much more fun that packing one up.

I had my first funeral here yesterday. It went pretty well (the family said they were pleased) and now I'm feeling more like a part of the community. It's one of the blessings of the ministry that families will let you deep into their homes and lives at some of the most important times they face, weddings and funerals among others.

It is inappropriate to say I like funerals, but I do get satisfaction from comforting those who are grieving and reminding them (and all of us) of Christ's promises that offer a real and lasting hope right when all seems hopeless.

This funeral was for "Pappy" Parnell. I am so very grateful that some kind church members took me last week to meet him and his sister who cares for him. It's much harder to do a funeral when you don't know the person (another good reason for going to church and getting to know your pastor.) I heard dozens of stories about how Pappy loved his church, family, and community and all the things he did for them. We sometimes forget how our lives are a witness to our faith in Christ that can continue after we've gone.

Grief is real and the loss of a loved one can be devastating. We mustn't make light of that, but remember that through Christ there is hope.

Pray for those in grief.

Grace and Peace,